Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion – Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto (Elio Petri – 1970)

Qualunque imposizione faccia su di noi, egli è servo della Legge e come tale sfugge al giudizio umano -Kafka Whatever imposition is brought upon us, it is served by the law and as such escapes human judgment -Kafka [youtube width=”615″ height=”461″][/youtube] Gian Maria Volontè’s pounding tirade In this Oscar-winning masterpiece by director Elio Petri, a… Continue reading Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion – Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto (Elio Petri – 1970)

Mafioso (Alberto Lattuada – 1962)

It’s that great excitement you get when you come across a truly rewarding film by a director you have never seen much of his work when everything seems to work exactly how you’d want it to be. And Mafioso by Neorealist director, Alberto Lattuada is simply that perfectly fun film. It’s the same sad story,… Continue reading Mafioso (Alberto Lattuada – 1962)

The Escort – La Scorta (Ricky Tognazzi – 1993)

Ricky Tognazzi’s classic anti-mafia thriller is deeply grounded in reality. The film was made a year after judge Giovanni Falcone was murdered as he was on his way to Palermo airport. The judge, his wife, and three police bodyguards were killed. Interestingly the film is not about the judge or the case, but focuses on… Continue reading The Escort – La Scorta (Ricky Tognazzi – 1993)