Boccaccio ’70: Renzo e Luciana (Mario Monicelli – 1962)

With the global success of Fellini’s 1960 La Dolce Vita, Cinecitta’ the glorious studio in Rome continued the theme of love in modern times, featuring four leading directors: Mario Monicelli, Federico Fellini, Luchino Visconti and Vittorio de Sica. The last three were considered veterans back then, whereas Monicelli an up and coming director that his… Continue reading Boccaccio ’70: Renzo e Luciana (Mario Monicelli – 1962)

Open Roads 2011: Fughe e approdi – Return to the Aeolian Islands (Giovanna Taviani – 2010)

Quick, what comes to your mind when you think about the word “island?” It’s not a coincidence the word swings between two opposing associations: on the positive end, it offers exotic escape, away from it all repose, while on the negative – a sense of forced seclusion, and disconnectedness from rest of the world. The… Continue reading Open Roads 2011: Fughe e approdi – Return to the Aeolian Islands (Giovanna Taviani – 2010)

L’eclisse – Eclipse (Michelangelo Antonioni – 1962)

With the spirit of experimentalism Antonioni was known for as exhibited in this film that serves part of his existential trilogy – I figured we could try a new post format today. Interested? Well read on. The following paragraphs will all have two common characteristics: 1) they all answer a simple question; what I liked… Continue reading L’eclisse – Eclipse (Michelangelo Antonioni – 1962)

Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion – Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto (Elio Petri – 1970)

Qualunque imposizione faccia su di noi, egli è servo della Legge e come tale sfugge al giudizio umano -Kafka Whatever imposition is brought upon us, it is served by the law and as such escapes human judgment -Kafka [youtube width=”615″ height=”461″][/youtube] Gian Maria Volontè’s pounding tirade In this Oscar-winning masterpiece by director Elio Petri, a… Continue reading Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion – Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto (Elio Petri – 1970)