With the spirit of experimentalism Antonioni was known for as exhibited in this film that serves part of his existential trilogy – I figured we could try a new post format today. Interested? Well read on. The following paragraphs will all have two common characteristics: 1) they all answer a simple question; what I liked… Continue reading L’eclisse – Eclipse (Michelangelo Antonioni – 1962)
Tag: antonioni
The Outcry – Il Grido (Michelangelo Antonioni – 1957)
Rejection, alienation, and total abandonment staged in a bleak winter in the Poe valley with constant use of gray landscapes, barren trees, foggish rain and lots of mud all the actors negotiate their way in – provide an apt juxtaposition between the emotional and the physical realities in this masterpiece by Antonioni. The film tells… Continue reading The Outcry – Il Grido (Michelangelo Antonioni – 1957)
Story of a Love Affair – Cronaca di un amore (Michelangelo Antonioni – 1950)
Rainy dark streets, unfulfilled love, alienated ambience, restless camera movement and mimialistic soundtrack come together here in Michelangelo Antonioni’s first full-length feature film. With the recent passing of this incredible director that has largely shaped the course of Italian cinema – it is fascinating to go back to the early years and observe the origin… Continue reading Story of a Love Affair – Cronaca di un amore (Michelangelo Antonioni – 1950)