La Grande Bellezza – The Great Beauty (Paolo Sorrentino – 2013)

La Grande Bellezza

This movie is a portrait of the lifestyle and human attitude that is typical of Roman society: decadent, indolent and insolent – if you allow me to express these words also in English. Sorrentino gives us fantastic, charming, captivating photographs of Rome. From the sparkling colors of Jep’s funkiest parties, to the shaded tones of… Continue reading La Grande Bellezza – The Great Beauty (Paolo Sorrentino – 2013)

La famiglia passaguai – The Passaguai Family (Aldo Fabrizi – 1951)

It’s funny sometimes when you watch a film that you like and then come across another one done couple of years later with same theme and even same actors. For those of you who follow my occasional cinematic thoughts, you’ll find this film very similar to Domenica d’agosto – Sunday in August (Luciano Emmer -1949),… Continue reading La famiglia passaguai – The Passaguai Family (Aldo Fabrizi – 1951)

Domenica d’agosto – Sunday in August (Luciano Emmer -1949)

It’s August in Rome and it seems like the whole town has a single mission – go to the beach! You can watch this charming, time-capsule of a movie below (76 minutes, no English subtitles, though). [youtube width=”615″ height=”346″][/youtube] Full film In this light comedy, categorized under “Pink Neorealism,” precursor to later Italian comedy genre (considering… Continue reading Domenica d’agosto – Sunday in August (Luciano Emmer -1949)

La ricotta (Pier Paolo Pasolini -1962)

Right from the choice of the title – The Ricotta – Pasolini kicks off an onslaught of symbols to convey his dissatisfaction with the dull consumerism of Italian society during the economic boom of early 60’s. To his belief, the government along with the church banded together to exploit the poor. A prophet ahead of… Continue reading La ricotta (Pier Paolo Pasolini -1962)

Mid-August Lunch – Pranzo di ferragosto (Gianni Di Gregorio – 2008)

First time’s a charm may be an old cliché, but there is something fresh and original to creating something for the first time that is clean from preconceptions and risk of repetitions. Not always. Yet, this charmingly sensitive film, which marks the debut of Gianni Di Gregorio as a director, represents one of the pleasant… Continue reading Mid-August Lunch – Pranzo di ferragosto (Gianni Di Gregorio – 2008)