
In-line with Independence Day here in the US, I figured it’s a good opportunity to deconstruct the concept of independence and throw it against Italian cinema backdrop. You can never know what you’ll find. When we speak of independence you can literally place it in wide range of contexts; from emotional, financial, political, to physical.… Continue reading Independence

The Award – Il premio (Ermanno Olmi – 2009)

This short film is part of “Per Fiducia” (“Through Trust”), an ambitious project that unites three award-winning directors Ermanno Olmi, Gabriele Salvatores, and Paolo Sorrentino in cooperation with Intessa Sanpaolo – to answer a simple, yet timely question: Can movies, as mirrors to reality, change it and give hope, especially in dark moments? The answer… Continue reading The Award – Il premio (Ermanno Olmi – 2009)

Days and Clouds – Giorni e nuvole (Silvio Soldini – 2007)

In tune with the tough economic times these days, the film explores the impact of a job loss on a middle class family in Genoa. [youtube width=”615″ height=”461″][/youtube] I found this film very interesting, especially when viewed through the prism of The Bicycle Thief (Vittorio De Sica – 1948). Both effectively depict the rigid patriarchal… Continue reading Days and Clouds – Giorni e nuvole (Silvio Soldini – 2007)

White Nights – Le notti bianche (Luchino Visconti – 1957)

white nights - le notti bianche (Luchino Visconti - 1957)

Do you believe dreams can come true? In this masterpiece, adapted from a Russian short story by Fyodor Dostoevsky, Luchino Visconti provides a resounding yes. Or at least it appears like it. The film was shot in Cinecitta’ studio 5 where 3 years later Fellini would shoot his incredible La Dolce Vita. The choice for… Continue reading White Nights – Le notti bianche (Luchino Visconti – 1957)

Escape by Night – Era notte a Roma (Roberto Rossellini – 1960)

Known as the father of neorealism in Italian cinema, specifically due to his widely acclaimed masterpiece, Rome Open City – Roma, città aperta (1945), in this film director Roberto Rossellini continues his theme of personal human stories embedded in the rough realities of Italy during WWII. Portraying a common phenomenon at the time by zooming… Continue reading Escape by Night – Era notte a Roma (Roberto Rossellini – 1960)